
m i c r o t i a



This condition, called "Microtia" in Latin, which means "small ear", is a congenital developmental anomaly that affects the structures of the external auditory canal, middle ear, and the auricle.

Throughout the world, approximately every 1 child out of 10,000 is born without developing an auricle. It is a condition that is two times more common in boys than in girls. It is usually unilateral (90%), but sometimes there may be bilateral cases. In unilateral cases, the right side is twice as much prone to microtia than the left side.


  • Its incidence worldwide is 1/10,000. That is, about 1 out of every 10,000 children is born with microtia.

  • It is two times more common in boys than girls.

  • It is usually (90%) unilateral, but sometimes both sides can be involved.

  • In unilateral cases, the left ear is 2 times more involved than the right.

  • About 30% of cases are syndromic. In these cases, other congenital anomalies are seen together with microtia.

  • It is more common in Asian, Native American, and Hispanic populations.

Microtia is often associated with ear atresia and middle ear growth retardation. 90% of children with microtia have conductive hearing loss.


Microtia patients may differ in appearance, but basically there are 3 types or grades of microtia.


The shape of the middle ear is almost close to normal in general shape, but it remained small in size. The auditory canal is usually normal in these patients.


There is significant developmental retardation and deformity in the upper parts of the ear, but the lower parts of the ear are close to normal. The auditory canal is usually closed.


This is the most common type, and there is a small formation in the form of a "peanut" with a deformed cartilage tissue instead of the auricle. The auditory canal is completely closed.

4th Degree

In some patients, there is no remnant of the auricle. This condition is called 4th degree microtia or "ANOTIA", that is, congenital absence of ear.

Please click on the relevant images for detailed information about the causes of microtia, what the child and family may experience from the birth of a child with microtia, the examinations to be done and other developmental anomalies that may be seen with microtia.